gender pay gap

We are pleased to review and make public our gender pay gap reporting. We have no obligation to report this, as we are not sufficiently large in terms of the number of team, but we feel it is important, and so we choose to share this information.
gender pay gap reporting 2023/24
Over the course of the year, we employed 216 people: 111 women and 105 men.
Our senior team in store and the support team has a fairly even split of women and men: the % team in the higher paid half of the business splits 52%-48% in favour of men.
We also have a relatively flat pay structure, with the average pay of the upper middle quartile just 5% higher than that of the lower.
Given the number of team we have, variances in the gaps reported are easily generated but the overall results support a well-balanced and even split.
Of the data reported, it is perhaps worth noting that bonus eligibility is based on length of service, and a higher % of women have received a bonus than men.